How to Find the Full Text of an Article?

KNOWN ARTICLE: For an article you already know about, use Discovery System from the library homepage (i.e. paste in the title or title words and the author’s last name)

BY KEYWORD:  To find articles on a subject, use Discovery System and insert subject keywords or choose a subject-specific database to narrow the search result. (This searches almost all of the library databases at once.)

WITHIN A SPECIFIC JOURNAL:  Use Find eJournal in the Discovery System to search for a specific periodical title (i.e. Harvard Business Review) to locate the journal on the library website.

BY SUBJECT:  Read the LibGuides from 研究和調查, and find the relevant journals selected by the librarians.

Search Terms

You do not want a topic that is overly wide, since this might result in excessive research and a report that lacks emphasis. You also do not want a topic that is too limited, since this might result in insufficient references and a paper that is difficult to justify.

While your search returns too many results, you may want to consider the following:
Narrow Your Paper’s Topic: Choose a focus point to search again.
Add Another Search Term: Add more search terms by using Boolean Search or Advance Search.
User Filter: Try the filter box default by system.
Sorting Option: You may change the result sorting format (default is relevance).

While you search returns too few results, you may want to consider the following:
Expand the results: Remove filter limitation and/or search terms

Boolean Search

You can set a comprehensive keyword set in databases and result with accurate records.

You need your student 或 staff card to borrow books or other items at our campus branches.

Before you go to find your book on the shelf, check the library catalogue to ensure:

– Your book is available (check the status)
– You have the correct location (there are 2 branches)
– You have the full call number/ barcode

We have 2 library branches where you can borrow items. Find the library that specialises in your study area and learn where you can visit our branches.

The renewing your items page on our website will help you with:
How to renew your item(s) via your Borrowing Record
When you can renew your items
The limits for renewing your items
If you are having difficulty renewing your items (online or on campus), please speak with a librarian using Library Chat or see a library staff member at one of our service desks.
You can renew your items online via your library account on the library homepage, or at any of our branches on campus:

See a library staff at the reference desk.

You may be unable to renew your items if:
Someone has reserved the item you have on loan
It has reached the maximum renewal limit

Looking for Something Else?


Library digital resources are searchable anywhere and anytime, and most of the resources can be accessed via an authentication system. Read 校外使用指引 to learn how to access the resources.

Print, Scanning & Photocopying

A public-use printing machine is located on the 1/F of the Library, Residential Hall Building. You can print or copy for A4 or A3 size. No cash is accepted, and only MacauPass is admitted to be charged.

Find a place to study

Both libraries provide a comfortable study environment in the reading rooms. At Ilha Verde, you may reserve a study room for a deep study. At St. Joseph Seminary Library, you will find a silent zone instead.


Ask your librarians for questions about the library resources, off-campus access, interlibrary loan or more.