
USJ Theses & Dissertations




第 1 步:找到篩選條件「USJ 學位論文與畢業論文」。選擇一條記錄後,找到進入圖書館記錄的網址。

第 2 步:查看「線上資源」,使用您的USJ電子郵件登入並閱讀全文

USJ 圖書館館藏目錄

您可以使用圖書館館藏目錄系統搜尋您的課程,例如「MBA」或「工商管理碩士」,並將資料類型限制為「論文」。然後,您可以重複上述的步驟 2。



您可以在 MyUSJ 中找到論文範本(文件: Admission to Publication Examination, Appendix 1如有關於論文格式的任何疑問,請諮詢學術事務處(academic@usj.edu.mo)。

從聖若瑟大學範本中挑選並列出了一些重點。如有任何關於寫作及引用的疑問,詳見 文獻引用格式

可閱讀的字體應為12點,字體可用 Times Roman、Helvetica 或 Courier

Each page’s margins should not be any narrower than 1.5 inches to the left, 1 inch to the right, 1 inch to the top, and 1 inch to the bottom.

The text of the page must be double spaced.

Each page’s page number must be centered ½”from the bottom margin, with the exception of the title page, copyright page, signature page, dedication page, and epigraph page.

The component of your thesis or dissertation should be include the following:
– Preliminary pages
– Text (main body of the thesis)
– Table and figure captions
– Chapter titles
– Cover sheets
– References (Check the LibGuides – Citation Management and Writing Tools)
– Page numbers
– Appendix titles
– Bibliography

The document: Admission to Publication Examination, Appendix 2 contains a Cover PageEndorsement template.

How to submit?

As a graduate student, you need to submit a copy to the library for permeant deposition. You will receive a submission link from Academic Affair Office to upload a soft copy and provide us some important information for your thesis. Feel free to contact the Library or Academic Affairs Office for any questions.

Frequency Asked Question

Yes, according to USJ Academic Regulation, students are required to submit the updated hardcopy and soft copy versions of the abstract and the dissertation to the library before their diploma may be released.

You should submit one PDF file with your thesis or dissertation, appendix, and any attachment.

In special cases, authorisation may be requested from the Rector to place the content of the dissertation itself under a temporary embargo with access subject to the author’s expressed permission. You need to send an official email to library with the reason for the special approval.

Best practise is to inform the publisher(s) of your articles that your submission to them will appear in your dissertation before you sign the contract with the journal publisher. If you have previously published the piece, the authorization will depend on the publication.

You may read the detail in Plagiarism FAQ.