Library FAQ

Any Questions?

Find a answer for our most frequency questions below


We are here to support your research needs, in-person or group work.

Ask your Librarian
Library Tutorial Request
Students can request a one on one consultation for in depth research assistance.

Faculty Library Instruction Request
Faculty can request library instruction for themselves or their class.


按此 查閱青州總館和修院分館的開放時間


Get Help & Support: You can find the Subject Direction for your discipline learning, such as Study Guide, Submission of Thesis & Dissertation.

Libraries & Spaces: You can understand the library’s brief introduction and facilities.

關於我們: Contact Information, University Press, and regulations.

*Click the section title and find the description for each block.

Yes. See Off-Campus Guide to understand step-by-step.

Check our poster, newsletter, homepage or Instructions, Workshop & Training.

We will post information about events, workshops, and activities on our library page, social media, and emails.

See our Donation page. Contact us before bringing anything to us.