What can I do if our library cannot provide full text?

In our academic network, you can search for the article through inter-library loan (ILL) or document delivery service (DDS).

The reason for ILL and DDS

Occasionally, purchasing a single article or book poses a significant economic strain for authors. Instead, the library will share the materials in accordance with its copyright policy. Access to the resources may be provided for free or at a reduced cost to authors.

Interlibrary Loan

ILL primarily borrows print books in general circulation.

Please consult our ILL Options page.

Document Delivery Service

DDS primarily borrows articles or other digital materials.


Log in with your MyUSJ account to MALA Hub (Link).

Step 1: Provide a title, author, subject, or other detail
Step 2: Open the filter ‘Expand My Result’

This function will enable all results without full-text access.

After opening the record profile, a box containing information about those available for ILL/DDS will appear. You are required to provide your university email address and personal phone numbers.

When the loan is approved, a confirmation letter will be sent to your university email address. Bring your email and student ID to the location of pickup.

A download letter will be sent to your university email address once the request has been approved. You must download the article before the time limit expires.

Notes: You should not distribute this document to anyone. This is for your own private research and study only.

Other Services

Study & Research

These LibGuides will focus on selected resources as a comprehensive information set, including print and digital formats. A guideline for starting research is using reliable and accurate sources.

Research FAQ

Before asking for help from the library, you may read this FAQ section whether you face common questions like others.


Library offers the information literacy program to the entire university for all degree level students and the academic community of USJ.

Contact Us

Ask your librarians for questions about the library resources, off-campus access, interlibrary loan or more.