We aims to
contribute to the professional, social, and human development of the community by enhancing literacy and information research skills, fostering informed, self-reliant professionals, and responsible citizens.
To provide, whenever possible, for the appropriate solutions so that library resources and services could be efficiently used by those who for physical reasons are unable to access them in the usual formats;To gradually promote the access for the non-academic community to our resources, services and activities, assuming the library as a local and regional partner in the information and documentation network system;To promote regularly activities that could reinforce our role towards the fulfilment of our mission;To become efficiently complementary, regarding our collection and services, in what concerns our regional partners, namely the ones of the Macau Academic Libraries Alliance.
Core Values
All our services, tasks, procedures and events will always be developed considering the international standards for library management and quality control. We believe that, although not mandatory, these principles and standards will be one of the most appropriate tools to achieve a service of excellence for our patrons and stakeholders;All library resources will be available equally to all its patrons regardless of age, ethnicity, gender, religion, nationality, language and social or professional status;The resources will always be selected and available without any ideological, political or religious censorship and without pressure of any nature, commercial or other;The Library assumes and identifies itself with the guidelines drawn up by UNESCO in its UNESCO/IFLA Manifesto for the School Libraries.
Library Strategy Plan 2019-2024
Strategic Objective – I
To effectively anticipate and respond to all library-related needs of the academic community concerning teaching, learning and research by providing appropriate facilities, resources, tools and skills.
Strategic Objective – II
Position the Library as the “heart of the University and academic life”.
Strategic Objective – III
To create a relentless research culture among the USJ community by supporting different outputs, outcomes and activities.
Strategic Objective – IV
Position the USJ Library as an indispensable partner to the regional information and documentation network and cultural ecosystem.