World Book Day 2023 – Cyanotype Printing x USJ Library

為響應4.23「世界閱讀日」,聖若瑟大學圖書館將於4月22日早上11時舉辦悅讀藍圖工作坊及漂書活動。活動期間圖書館將化身成「藍曬圖書館」並展出眾多閱讀金句的藍曬明信片及書籤,圖書館員引領參加者認識「藍曬(Cyanotype Printing)」技術,參加者隨即可發揮創作力創造出獨一無二的作品。
To celebrate World Book Day 2023 at USJ, the Library will organize the Cyanotype Printing workshop and the book cross activities in the USJ Kent Wong Exhibition Gallery. The Cyanotype postcards with reading quotes will be exhibits all around the library during the library week of Macau. Our librarians will introduce the techniques of Cyanotype Printing to the participants and we will create our unique cyanotype artworks.
日期 Date :4.22
時間 Time:11:00 – 17:00
地點 Venue:聖若瑟大學黃昇雄展覽廳地面層
USJ Kent Wong Exhibition Gallery GF