如何到達聖若瑟大學 How to get to USJ?
地址 | Address
Estrada Marginal da Ilha Verde, 14-17, Macau, China

巴士 | Bus
M25 青洲 / 自來水公司 Ilha Verde / S.A.A.M. : 8, 23, 26A, 28B, 29
M24 青洲 / 聖若瑟中學 Cons. Borja / Colegio S. Jose: 8, 28B, 26A, 29
M22 青洲/聖德蘭學校 Cons. Borja/ Escola S. Teresa: 5X, 8, 8A, 23, 26, 26A, 28B, 29, 101X
M60 青茂 / 何賢紳士馬路 Qingmao / Av. Do. Comendador Ho Yin: 3X, 51A, 61, MT4
M273 青茂 / 青蔥大廈 Qing Mao / Edifício Cheng Chong: 8A, 23, 27

停車場 | Car Park
There is no parking at the University, but parking is available to the public in a number of car parks within the proximity of the USJ, including Cheng Chun Building, Cheng Choi Building, Cheng Chong Building, Qingmao Port-Macau Frontier Post Building and Green Island Building.
如有任何疑問,請致電 85925 633 或電郵至library@usj.edu.mo
Please contact 8592 5633 or email to library@usj.edu.mo if you have any queries.