Communication & Media
These resources are intended for students and researchers in communication and media. Keep in mind that the librarian selected these as curated resources. You are encouraged to explore other interesting subject guides.
You should use the library search engines on the Library home page, such as Discovery Service, Library Catalogue, etc., to access the library resources.
Find the Communication & Media Book
The subject is quickly located in the library using the following call number:
070 News media, journalism, publishing
302 Social interaction
303 Social processes
304 Factors affecting social behavior
305 Groups of people
306 Culture & institutions
307 Communities
320 Politics
323 Civil & political rights
384 Communications (Radio)
650 Management & public relations
651 Office services
652 Processes of written communication
659 Advertising & public relations
Selected Journals
Journal of Computer Mediated Communication
Human Communication Research
Communication, Culture & Critique
Communication Theory
Biodiversity Heritage Library
SAGE Journals
萬方學術期刊 | China Online Journals
SARC – Serviço de Alojamento de Revistas Científicas
Selected Databases
Global Breaking Newswires
International Newsstream
Social Science Database
Telecommunications Database
U.S. Newsstream
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: South China Morning Post
Communication Source
Other Services
Academic Writing
Citation tools & Plagiarism tools assist to improve your academic writing skills.
Off – Campus Access
Library provides various E-resources to USJ staffs and students. Off-campus access to get these materials available at any time and from any location.
Workshops & Training
Library offers the information literacy program to the entire university for all degree level students and the academic community of USJ.
Study & Research
These LibGuides will focus on selected resources as a comprehensive information set, including print and digital formats. A guideline for starting research is using reliable and accurate sources.