Languages & Literature

These resources are intended for students and researchers in language learning. Keep in mind that the librarian selected these as curated resources. You are encouraged to explore other interesting subject guides.

You should use the library search engines on the Library home page, such as Discovery Service, Library Catalogue, etc., to access the library resources.

Find the Languages & Literature Book

Language Learning:
420 English and Old English (Anglo-Saxon)
430 German and related languages
440 French and related Romance languages
450 Italian, Dalmatian, Romanian, Rhaetian, Sardinian, Corsican
460 Spanish, Portuguese, Galician
470 Latin and related Italic languages
480 Classical Greek and related Hellenic languages
495.1 Chinese

808 Rhetoric & collections of literature
820 English and Old English (Anglo-Saxon) literatures
830 German literature and literatures of related languages
860 Literatures of Spanish, Portuguese, Galician languages
870 Latin literature and literatures of related Italic languages
880 Classical Greek literature and literatures of related Hellenic languages
890 Literatures of other specific languages and language families

Selected Journals

Biodiversity Heritage Library

The Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL) is the world’s largest open access digital library for biodiversity literature and archives. BHL is revolutionizing global research by providing free, worldwide access to knowledge about life on Earth. To document Earth’s species and understand the complexitie
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SAGE Journals

The SAGE Humanities and Social Science (HSS) Package provides access to 554 journals in the humanities and social sciences fields, including leading international peer-reviewed titles many of which are ranked in the 2013 Journal Citation Reports® (Thomson Reuters 2014).Now there are more choices — a
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萬方學術期刊 | China Online Journals

該期刊在中國提供了 7,400 多種中文學術期刊全文全文,涵蓋從藝術、金融到醫學和技術的所有學科。 它被中國數百家研究所、公共圖書館和大學圖書館廣泛使用,作為其圖書館服務不可或缺的一部分。COJ provides a collection of over 7,400 Chinese academic journals in full text in China, covering all subjects from arts, finance to medical and technology. It is widely used by hundreds of research institu
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SARC – Serviço de Alojamento de Revistas Científicas

SARC – Serviço de Alojamento de Revistas Científicas was setup to host online Journal from Portuguese institutions. This service is build with the Open Source tools OJS – Open Journals. SARC – Scientific Journal Hosting Service was created to develop the online publication of scientific journals in
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Selected Databases

MALA Hub: Portuguese Portal

It provides a simple, one stop search from the nine academic libraries in Macau for books, journals, multimedia, e-resources, articles, theses, dissertations and more, in Portuguese language.Subject: MultidisciplinarySearchable in Discovery System: NoProvider: Proquest SEARCH
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UNESDOC Digital Library

The UNESCO Digital Library is the repository of UNESCO’s institutional memory and a source of high-quality information on UNESCO activities (in education, natural sciences, social and human sciences, culture, and communication and information), with more than 350,000 documents dating back to 1945. I
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Arts & Humanities Database

The Arts & Humanities Database complements the ProQuest Arts and Humanities portfolio, providing Full Text access to around 600 contemporary specialist arts titles along with journals from related fields including ethnic studies, women’s studies, sociology, cultural studies, and more.Subject: Art, D
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Global Breaking Newswires

A source of timely news and, with increasing pressures on the traditional news industry, newswires are often the only news coverage for many large regions of the globe.Subject: NewsSearchable in Discovery System: Yes (Via Proquest Central)Provider: Proquest SEARCH
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Linguistics Database

It covers all aspects of the study of language including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics. Subject: LanguageSearchable in Discovery System: Yes (Via Proquest Central)Provider: Proquest SEARCH
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Library of Latin Texts

Series A is the world’s leading database for Latin texts. In total, the present version of the LLT-A contains over 63 million Latin words, drawn from more than 3,200 words that are attributed to approximately 950 authors. The texts which are incorporated are selected by virtue of their having been e
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Sunday School Periodicals, 1818-1885

The Sunday School Periodicals, 1818-1885 collection features a broad cross-section of Sunday school literature that was read in churches and at home. The rapid growth of the United States saw the emergence of many new church communities, and Sunday School was a central part of many youths’ experienc
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Story Papers, Dimes and Dollar Periodicals, 1828-1877

Story Papers, Dimes and Dollar Periodicals, 1828-1877 comprises a collection reflecting the progression of print during the nineteenth century when printed materials became cheaper to produce due to technological advances in printing and publishing. These enabled cheap forms of literature to flouris
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Other Services

Academic Writing

Citation tools & Plagiarism tools assist to improve your academic writing skills.

Off – Campus Access

Library provides various E-resources to USJ staffs and students. Off-campus access to get these materials available at any time and from any location.

Workshops & Training

Library offers the information literacy program to the entire university for all degree level students and the academic community of USJ.

Study & Research

These LibGuides will focus on selected resources as a comprehensive information set, including print and digital formats. A guideline for starting research is using reliable and accurate sources.