A Scholarly Journal is a journal that publishes scholarly research by experts in a specific field of study. As a member of USJ, you have access to all digital resources, both on and off-campus, with the exception of a few databases that only permit on-site visits. We strongly suggest that you review our Study and Research section and investigate the most pertinent resources for your topic.
Annual Review of Psychology
The Annual Review of Psychology, in publication since 1950, covers the significant developments in the field of psychology, including: biological bases of behavior, sensation and perception, cognitive processes, animal learning and behavior, human development, psychopathology, clinical and coun…
Architecture Collection in JSTOR
JSTOR is a highly selective digital library of academic content in many formats and disciplines. The collections include top peer-reviewed scholarly journals as well as respected literary journals, academic monographs, research reports from trusted institutes, and primary sources. Full runs of …
Asian Studies Collection in JSTOR
JSTOR is a highly selective digital library of academic content in many formats and disciplines. The collections include top peer-reviewed scholarly journals as well as respected literary journals, academic monographs, research reports from trusted institutes, and primary sources. Full runs of …
BioMed Central
BioMed Central is an STM (Science, Technology and Medicine) publisher of 291 peer-reviewed open access journals.Subject: Psychology & ScienceSearchable in Discovery System: NoProvider: BMC SEARCH…
British Journal of Educational Psychology
The British Journal of Educational Psychology publishes psychological research that makes a significant contribution to the understanding and practice of education as well as advances the field in terms of theory related to educational psychology. Our aim is to publish research that has a broad inte…
CALIS -Chinese Higher Education Journals in Foreign Language
CALIS is a database of Chinese or China-related Academic Journals. As a USJ student or Staff, you are entitled to access it. When you find, through their search system, the item (s) you want to have access to kindly send us an email and will submit the request, as soon as received the files will be …
Católica Law Review
International, bilingual, academic, and peer reviewed legal journal of the Católica Research Centre for the Future of Law of the School of Law of Universidade Católica Portuguesa, and is published by the Universidade Católica Editora (UCE). Designed to showcase outstanding legal research and to refl…
Chinese Historical Review
The Chinese Historical Review is a fully refereed and vigorously edited journal of history and social sciences that is published biannually. The journal publishes original research on the history of China in every period, China’s historical relations with the world, the historical experien…
Communication Theory
Communication Theory is an international forum publishing high quality, original research into the theoretical development of communication from across a wide array of disciplines, such as communication studies, sociology, psychology, political science, cultural and gender studies, philosophy, lingu…
Communication, Culture & Critique
Communication, Culture & Critique (CCC) publishes high-quality, original scholarship utilizing a diversity of critical approaches to place questions of power, inequality, and justice at the center of empirical and theoretical inquiry. CCC prioritizes qualitative scholarship that engages with wid…
Communio: International Catholic Review
Communio was founded in 1972 by Hans Urs von Balthasar, Henri de Lubac, and Joseph Ratzinger. It stands for the renewal of theology in continuity with the living Christian tradition, the continuing dialogue of all believers, past and present, “as if all were simultaneously in the circle.” Now p…
Emerald Current Management eJournal Collection
Management Core is essential for business schools and business degree programmes, offering high-quality research in fundamental management subjects. With 174 pivotal journals, it’s a must-have portfolio for academic excellence and shaping future business and management leaders. Subject: busine…
Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses
Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses (ETL), founded in 1924, is a quarterly publication by professors of Theology and Canon Law at the KU Leuven and the Université catholique de Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve). As a peer-reviewed and internationally distributed journal, it publishes articles, notes a…
Estudos de Conservação e Restauro
Estudos de Conservação e Restauro is a scientific journal that aims to disseminate the scientific work in the field of Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage. This periodical intends to be a platform for researchers and conservation professionals to publish papers dedicated to the most va…
History Collection in JSTOR
JSTOR is a highly selective digital library of academic content in many formats and disciplines. The collections include top peer-reviewed scholarly journals as well as respected literary journals, academic monographs, research reports from trusted institutes, and primary sources. Full runs of …
Human Communication Research
Human Communication Research is one of the official journals of the prestigious International Communication Association and is read by more than 3,500 of its members. It is a top-ranked communication studies journal and one of the top ten journals in the field of human communication. Major topic are…
International Journal of Business Science & Applied Management
Covers the key disciplines are e-business, general management, international business, strategy, marketing, supply chain management, organization studies, entrepreneurship, enterprise, innovation, and human resource management.ISSN 1753-0296Subject: BusinessSearchable in Discovery System: NoProvider…
International Journal of Educational Psychology
The International Journal of Educational Psychology (IJEP) is an Open Access journal which has as its main objective the publication of top research in the area of educational psychology which seeks to be applied in a variety of educational contexts, formal and informal, involving different educatio…
International Studies in Catholic Education
As the first ever international and interdisciplinary journal devoted to the systematic study of Catholic education, in all its forms, across the world International Studies in Catholic Education welcomes articles from Theologian, Philosophers, Historians, Social and Natural Scientists, Ed…
Journal of Business Ethics
Original articles and reviews concerning ethical issues related to business, and analyses of systems of production, consumption, marketing, advertising, social and economic accounting, public relations and organizational behavior from a moral viewpoint.ISSN 0167-4544Subject: BusinessSearchable in Di…
Journal of Computer Mediated Communication
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication (JCMC) is a fully open-access scholarly journal. Its focus is social science research on communicating with computer-based media technologies. Within that general purview, the journal is broadly interdisciplinary, publishing work by scholars in communicatio…
Journal of Early Christian Studies
Journal of Early Christian Studies focuses on the study of Christianity in the context of late ancient societies and religions from C.E. 100-700. The Journal publishes the best of traditional patristics scholarship while showcasing articles that call attention to newer methodologies and themes often…
Journal of Interior Design
The Journal of Interior Design is a scholarly, refereed publication dedicated to a pluralistic exploration of the interior environment. The Journal seeks to move the discipline forward by welcoming scholarly inquiry from diverse and interdisciplinary approaches, perspectives, and methods that active…
Journal of Religious & Theological Information
Founded and sponsored by the Society of Jesus in the United States of America, Theological Studies is a Catholic scholarly journal that serves the Church and its mission by promoting a deeper understanding of the Christian faith through the publication of research in theological discipline…
Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts
A peer-reviewed publication that results from a commitment of the Research Center for Science and Technology of the Arts (CITAR) to promote knowledge, research and artworks in the field of the Arts. The Journal provides a distinctive forum for anyone interested in artistic research and practised-bas…
JoVE – Peer-Reviewed Scientific Video Journal
JoVE is a science videos journal with the mission to improve scientific research and education. JoVE Experimental Video Journal has over more than 11,000 video articles featuring cutting-edge scientific techniques across 13 scientific disciplines covering the fields of biology, medicine, physics, ch…
JSTOR is a highly selective digital library of academic content in many formats and disciplines. The collections include top peer-reviewed scholarly journals as well as respected literary journals, academic monographs, research reports from trusted institutes, and primary sources. Full runs of …
New Review of Academic Librarianship
The New Review of Academic Librarianship publishes reviews, research, critiques and exemplar case studies on substantive topics relevant to those providing library and information services to academic communities. Emphasis is placed on establishing the relevance and applicability of theor…
Orientis Aura: Macau Perspectives in Religious Studies
The Journal Orientis Aura: Macau Perspectives in Religious Studies is published by the Faculty of Religious Studies of the University of Saint Joseph in Macau. In 2006 the University, known on that time as Inter University Institute of Macau (IIUM), launched a Master Degree in Religious Studies and …
Philippiniana Sacra
The Philippiniana Sacra is the official publication of the Ecclesiastical Faculties of the University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines. It is published three times a year with an Ecclesiastical Approval.Articles written in English, Spanish, Latin and Filipino (with English translation) …
Question Liturgiques
Founded in 1910 by Dom Lambert Beauduin, Questions Liturgiques/Studies in Liturgy welcomes scholarly contributions (i.e. articles, notes, book essays etc.) in the fields of liturgical theology, the historical study of liturgy and the sacraments, sacramentology, symbol theory, ritual studie…
Review of Educational Research
The Review of Educational Research (RER, quarterly, begun in 1931; approximately 640 pp./volume year) publishes critical, integrative reviews of research literature bearing on education. Such reviews should include conceptualizations, interpretations, and syntheses of literature and scholarly work i…
SAGE Journals
The SAGE Humanities and Social Science (HSS) Package provides access to 554 journals in the humanities and social sciences fields, including leading international peer-reviewed titles many of which are ranked in the 2013 Journal Citation Reports® (Thomson Reuters 2014).Now there are more choices — a…
SARC – Serviço de Alojamento de Revistas Científicas
SARC – Serviço de Alojamento de Revistas Científicas was setup to host online Journal from Portuguese institutions. This service is build with the Open Source tools OJS – Open Journals. SARC – Scientific Journal Hosting Service was created to develop the online publication of scientific journals in…
萬方學術期刊 | China Online Journals
該期刊在中國提供了 7,400 多種中文學術期刊全文全文,涵蓋從藝術、金融到醫學和技術的所有學科。 它被中國數百家研究所、公共圖書館和大學圖書館廣泛使用,作為其圖書館服務不可或缺的一部分。COJ provides a collection of over 7,400 Chinese academic journals in full text in China, covering all subjects from arts, finance to medical and technology. It is widely used by hundreds of research in…